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Diplom HF

Bei EHL Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality

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Beschreibung des Angebots

This program focuses on fundamental hospitality management concepts combined with in-depth operational skills in Food & Beverages, customer-centric Services and Hotel Management. In the final semester of the Swiss Professional Degree, students will specialize in one of two Majors: Culinary Arts or Spa & Wellness Management. This pathway offers a deep immersion and broad overview of all the functions of the hospitality industry and a lot of internship experience. This pathway take place in Passugg in the canton of Grisons.

Aufbau der Ausbildung

The Swiss Professional Degree (HF) requires 1 year of professional experience, including internships.

Swiss Professional Degree HF Semester 1 Host: Learn how to provide exciting guest experiencesSemester 2Communicator: Learn how to communicate with empathy and intentionSemester 3Hospitality Operations InternshipSemester 4Entrepreneur: Think like an entrepreneur and develop strategic skillsSemester 5Hospitality Administration InternshipSemester 6Networker: Learn how to build meaningful relationships

Link zum Aufbau der Ausbildung



  • Minumum 18 years old
  • Academic requirement: Final secondary school certificate/high school diploma in own country; Professional diploma (apprentice certificate)
  • Language requirement (one of the following): IELTS academic module, with a minimum score of 6.0; TOEFL, with a minimum score of 87 (iBT); Cambridge Advanced Examination, with a C minimum; First Certificate Examination, with a score of A only

Hospitality work Requirements: 

  • No work experience is necessary to start the HF Diploma. Since practical experience in the professional field is a success factor on the job market, a practical assignment in the hospitality industry before the studies can be an added value.
  • Within the study program, a total of 12 months of internship experience in the hospitality industry is completed. Applicants with a vocational training in a hospitality profession (Swiss EFZ degree) can be exempted from the corresponding work areas.

Link zur Zulassung


Online application


  • Diplom Höhere Fachschule HF

in English: Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education in Hospitality Management

in German: dipl. Hoteliere-Gastronomin HF / dipl. Hotelier-Gastronom HF

Praktische Hinweise

Ort / Adresse

  • Passugg (GR)

EHL Campuss Passugg

Zeitlicher Ablauf


August or January


6 semesters

Zeitliche Beanspruchung

  • Vollzeit


  • Englisch
  • Deutsch


Auskünfte / Kontakt


EHL Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality

Hauptstrasse 12
7062 Chur-Passugg

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